The 7 Keys to Self-Actualization
The Ruby Key

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The RUBY KEY provides personal counseling and assistance in changing your negative patterns to positive ones. You’ll learn to choose a positive, empowering partner instead of someone like the guy you loved at 16 who as an alcoholic or your mother who nagged you. This may be done consciously, using something similar to the Do-It-Yourself kit included here for developing positive partnering patterns. It may require hypnotic age regression if the negative patterns are deep or particularly destructive.
This is a tool which you can use to decide if a caller from a personal ad is worth meeting, whether an attractive someone you meet at a dance is worth dating, whether someone you’ve seen a few times is worth getting serious with, etc. This is a very abbreviated form of the instructions to be found in Matchmaker’s Corner: Choosing, Finding, and Attracting a LifeMate. The workbook may be ordered on this site.
You’ll start with something very basic and keep honing it to suit you. List those attributes you consider essential in a relationship (E), those you’d like to have (L), and those you absolutely don’t want (N). E’s are 7-10 or multiples of 10 points, L’s are 1-7, N’s are negative 20-100. Add up all your possible positives for a total possible score. Rate each important past relationship on each characteristic for practice and to see if your scoring tool reflects what actually worked or didn’t in these relationships. For example, if being a cat lover is worth 10 points, the guy who tolerates them in the house may get a 3 while the lady who cleans out the cat box and cuddles with them in bed gets a 10. Add up all the positives and divide by the total possible score to get an initial percentage. Then deduct the negatives from the total actual score. Get a new percentage by dividing this number by your original total possible score. Do this for a current possible if you have one or find one for that purpose.
This tool will change as you use it. You may find you aren’t asking enough from a partner. If you deserve better, work can be done on your self-esteem in the Ruby Key and through such recordings/ booklets as “From Stress to Success.” If you are Joe Shmo asking for Miss America, you can either lower your requirements to something more reasonable or raise your qualifications through education, success training, etc. to become someone Miss America would accept. This also applies to Jane Shmo looking to meet Mr. Rich and Handsome. To get someone wonderful, become someone wonderful. The Seven Keys to Self-Actualization include many options which can help you to do just that!
Finding the Right One
Your SUCCESS CENTER hypnotherapist can help you establish first exactly what kind of relationship you are seeking, as this affects not only where such a person might be found but also how the looking should be done. You could be looking for anything from a marital partner to a casual date.
You’ll use your list from Partnering Patterns to write a couple of paragraphs on your Right One. This piece should focus more on what this person would likely be doing than who he is.
Example: My Mr. Right enjoys science fiction. He goes to local science fiction conventions and browses the SF section of the local library. He is also spiritual. He attends lectures at metaphysical book stores and New Age Expos. He is health conscious and goes regularly to the gym. He eats at Health Food restaurants. Since he is a man who owns his own business and also cares about his community, he is a member of Rotary, Kiwanis, Optimists or some similar organization. Use this paragraph about your Right One’s interests to figure out his daily activities.
If your list calls for someone athletic, the local coed gym is a good place to look for them. If your interests are more specific, tennis clubs/classes, places where singles golf, etc. may be appropriate.
If your list had church or temple goer as an essential, church is an excellent place to find this person — every local church/temple of the acceptable faith or faiths has social activities. And so on. The following is an example of a strategy I developed for a client of mine during this session — a Latin American tennis instructor wanting to meet a Latin lady to marry.
1. Go to singles’ events advertised in Latin papers such as La Opinion in the Los Angeles area. Get the paper when it comes out on Thursday of this week and check it for such events. Go to one such event which involves tennis, if there is one, and one which is a social evening event such as dancing.
2. Advertise in the personals’ columns of such papers. Mention free tennis lessons for life to my Right One along with such things as romantic walks on the beach to make the ad stand out and to attract someone with similar interests.
3. Look through the personals in that and similar Latin papers, circling those ads which both interest you and whom you would interest. Call each until you find one you can make a date with, using questions you have developed based on your list from the Partnering Patterns list.
4. Join a Latin Matchmaking service — such services will advertise in the Latin papers.
5. Join a Matchmaking service — Do this and you might not need most of the above, though having more than one iron in the fire is still a good plan.