Complimentary Recording: Positive Stress Management and a Healthy, Effective Immune System

for First Responders, Doctors, Nurses, and All Healthcare Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic not only caused physical harm, but it made greater than usual demands on first responders, doctors, nurses, and all healthcare workers in terms of their time, separation from loved ones, stress, and exposure to this extremely contagious disease.

This guided meditation was created specifically to help those on illness’s front lines handle the potential stress and trauma you are dealing with.

While the pandemic may officially be over, we recognize that you and other “Frontline Heroes” still need help.

Because your service is appreciated and because your mental health is as important as your physical health, this recording is our gift to you.

This recording can and should be listened to while going to sleep and while sleeping to help guide the subconscious mind into a greater ability to manage stress; to a healthier immune system; to greater relaxation; and to deeper, more healing sleep.

It is hoped that using this recording will help with the challenges you are feeling; keep healthy people from getting sick; and help those who have contracted any illness to recover more rapidly.

To download it immediately, simply fill in your occupation and contact info below.

Written and recorded by Terry Brussel-Rogers, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, this guided meditation was professionally created in a sound studio with music, post-production, etc. It is focused on helping first responders, doctors, nurses, and all other healthcare workers whose own mental health and safety may be harmed by their stressful, professional challenges.

Terry Brussel-Rogers, CCHt. began her career in 1969, pioneering telephone hypnosis in 1995. From the start, stress management through hypnotherapy and guided meditations have been a major part of her practice. Notably, Terry was featured in The Stress Strategists (1986, Dorothy Walters, Ed., Royal Publishing, Inc.), with an introduction by Dr. Normal Vincent Peale.

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